The post-apocalyptic saga „Hades-Syndrome“ with the adventures of Dodo and Nuke is published in Germany by TheNextArt since 2007 and currently consists of 23 issues.
After „Hunting Season“ in 2021 „The last Gig“ will be the next story-line to be re-launched in one completely overworked 128-pages book translated to English. Of course a German version will be available too. Your help and your donations will fund the printing and translation costs.
We offer you pretty cool comic books, sexy extra sketches, original artwork by Michael Feldmann and two unique handmade statues from Michael Feldmann himself. Take a look to our Add-On section to find the sketches, original artwork and statues!
„Hades-Syndrom – The last Gig“ will be published in US format (6,69″ x 10,24″ / 17 x 26 cm). The 128 pages book comes in two versions – Trade Paperback and Hardcover – with two different covers. The books are printed on high-quality paper with sturdy thread sewing.